Read this when you’re feeling lost

Pola Grey
2 min readAug 26, 2021

This is for you.

Photo by Yuris Alhumaydy on Unsplash

Yes, you. Don’t try to be brave when you feel weak. Don’t force yourself to smile because your eyes can’t lie. I can see through it — stop hiding the pain. This is life — there will be days you’ll feel drained.

I know you feel empty. You feel lost. You feel like you don’t know anymore what you’re doing. You’re not sure where you’re going. You’re exhausted. You badly wanted a break from reality. No, maybe a long vacation from everything. You wanted to be invisible.

You’re sick and tired but don’t know how to stop. You feel like giving up but you know you just can’t.

You see yourself crying to sleep. It helped you made it through the day. And when you wake up the next day, you’ll feel a little better. But you know it just doesn’t end there. After a few hours, the feeling might be worse. It’s a cycle you wish to end whenever.

There’s nothing wrong with you. Life really has just it’s way of messing people up. Along the way you’ll think of finding someone to fix you. But you know what? You shouldn’t, because sometimes we don’t need to be fixed — all we need to be is accepted. And it all starts within you.

I know you’ve been through a lot. I know you’ve reached your end point. I know you were just convincing yourself to get through the day. It’s okay. It’s okay to not be okay because one day, it will all make sense. The pain will make you tougher. Whatever you’ve lost will make you appreciate things around you. The experience will bring out the best version of you.

One day when you look back, you’ll realize how strong you’ve become after going through life’s roller coaster. You’ll be smiling while reminiscing your way of accepting that monster in you. One day you’ll realize that hanging in there is all worth it. You are worth it.



Pola Grey

This is my thoughts shelf - you gotta be ready. 🤍𓃰